This loan scheme helps to finance the working capital of enterprises with annual turnover less than Rs10 million. The purpose of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to Export Oriented (Goods) Enterprises impacted by the COVID-19 in order to support payment of wages of their employees up to June 2021. The purpose of this loan is to facilitate the purchase of land for agricultural purpose, trade and services, working capital and purchase of vehicles to be used for businesses. The purpose of the loan is to meet the purchase cost of machinery equipment for transformation processing, packaging equipment, construction of warehousing facilities and transfer of technology. The applicant should be registered with FAREI/SME Mauritius/Cooperatives /companies. The purpose of this scheme is to facilitate the purchase of machinery and equipment by enterprises with annual turnover of up to Rs10 million. For women entrepreneurs, DBM Ltd is providing loans at a concessional rate of 0.5 percent per annum. The loan amount will cover up to 90% of cost of project up to a ceiling of Rs500,000. Terms and Conditions Mr D. Bhagirutty (5944 9959)/ Mrs Roshni Appadoo Needoo 2123044 / 203 3600COVID-19 Loan Scheme
Wage Support scheme for
Export Oriented (goods) Enterprise
Business Loan
Agro Industry
Enterprise Modernisation
Concessionary loans to
women entrepreneurs
How to apply
Visit the website of DBM or contact the head office or in branches at Triolet (261 1064) /Goodlands (282 15 36)/ Flacq (413 1562)/ Curepipe (670 0282)/Rose Belle (660 9862) and Rodrigues (831 1730) /