Social Services

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Business Mauritius Provident Association (Formerly MEFPA) was set up in 1982 and aims at providing health care covers to employees of Business Mauritius member enterprises and their dependants. It is especially targeted at small and medium enterprises in particular those which cannot afford to have a health care scheme of their own.
While being a Provider of health care covers, BMPA also acts as a Promoter by encouraging employers to fulfill their social responsibility in order to enhance employees’ welfare. Being a non-profit association, any extra surplus is reinvested into the improvement of health care facilities, such as improved plans, wider benefits and cutting-edge technology to better serve our members.
BMPA offers three main types of health care covers with varying limits. A combination of all three covers provides adequate protection to you and your family.
This is basically an out-patient cover offering various benefits: Medical, Dental, Optical, Pregnancy, Hearing aids and can also cater for minor in-patient conditions. This cover also provides for Preventive Health Care/ Lifestyle Benefits and the Chronic Disease benefits.
This cover refunds medical treatments and surgical procedures requiring the occupation of a clinic bed, as well as day cases surgical procedures which do not necessitate an admission.
This cover refunds major surgical and non surgical treatments locally and overseas.
Key Benefits
- We provide Lifetime Health Care Covers* to all employees of BM member enterprises and their dependents, from babies to seniors.
- MEFPA operates a unique Bonus-Malus system which is used to adjust premiums paid by members according to their claims history.
- Our free MEFPA card ensures “Prise en Charge” for clinic expenses related to the admission.
- You can be treated by the doctor of your choice.
- We work with all clinics recognised by the Ministry of Health and quality of life.
*Conditions apply.

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Set up in 1999, Super Fund is an umbrella pension fund open to employees of enterprises that are members of Business Mauritius.
It provides retirement, withdrawal, death and disability benefits to its members. It is targeted to enterprises wanting to pool together their contributions into a common fund and hence benefit from better investment and economies of scale.
Key Benefits
- No minimum number of employees required to join the scheme
- Good investment performance since inception
- Being an association, the objectives are not profit based. We work in the best interest of our members whereby all surpluses are re-injected into the schemes
- Flexibility of contribution for both employers and employees, depending on factors such as the age and salary of the employees
- Portability of Pensions in line with the new legislation Death and Permanent Disability Cover of 26 times the last salary
- Regular reporting to all members assuring total transparency
- Investment choice
- All members can now have an online access to their personal accounts at