Business Mauritius attended the 1st Meeting of the High Level Drugs and HIV Council under the chairmanship of the Hon. Prime Minister, on Tuesday 8th of January 2019. The topics discussed included the organisation structure of the Council & Timelines for implementation.

The council, chaired by the Prime minister, is composed of several ministers, high ranked public officials including representatives of the police and key institutions, representatives of NGOs involved in the fight against drugs and HIV, as well as one representative of Business Mauritius.

The High Level Drugs and HIV Council will act under the Prime Minister’s Office. Its main objective will be to create and define the roles of the National Aids Secretariat (NAS) and the National Drugs Secretariat (NDS), which will be the main weapons of the nation for the fight against these curses.

The council will also discuss and set-up new policies to tackle these issues, and create new and modern ways to enforce the law. Business Mauritius is proud to be involved in such a highly important task for the betterment of the country.