Engage business in National Economic Development
As a business advocacy body, the mission of this strategic division of Business Mauritius is to promote the voice of our members. Our strength lies in our ability to understand the challenges of business, link the right individuals, be present in the right forums and at the right time, and proactively participate in policy formulation, to assist in finding the right solutions.
We engage with government officials and local authorities on a daily basis, to ensure that business interests are represented thoroughly, at all levels. We actively contribution to policy formulation in the interest of Mauritian employers by way of various submissions to Government. Through its advocacy role, we ensure that the position of employers on key economic, labour and social matters is brought at the forefront and reflected in the formulation of policies.
Our actions:
Enhance Public Sector/Business dialogue on economic development through:
- Annual memoranda on Wages Policy
- Annual memoranda on the Budget.
- Joint implementation of national programmes and schemes
- Policy advocacy for business
- Provide to business:
- Economic data
- Surveys & Statistics
National Business Roadmap:
The Council Members, Operational Team and three Commissions of Business Mauritius (BM) – namely the Economic Development Commission, the Social Capital Commission and the Sustainability & Inclusive Growth Commission – have been working towards the elaboration of a National Business Roadmap (NBR), a strategic plan for the local business community.